Sanibel Real Estate Stats for 2012
The numbers are in for 2012 and things are looking up in our local real estate market.
There were 181 homes sold with an average price of $825,837 (+.64% from 2011). There are an additional 15 homes under contract.
For Condos in 2012 there were 149 sold, up from 142 last year with another 15 under contract, although the average selling price was down over the prior year.
For Lots there were 32 sold with an average selling price of $491,209 and 4 more under contract; this is way up from the 18 closed lot sales in 2011 with average selling price of $378,381.
So like I’ve been saying for the past year, it’s time to get off the fence. If you’ve been wanting to buy into our Sanibel and Captiva real estate market, NOW IS THE TIME! Give me a call today.