Sanibel Real Estate Stats Compared to Last Year
Houses Number Sold (closed) Average Sale Price
2011 178 $820,569 (+5.85% from ’10)
2012(as of 9/29) 139 $807,249 (-1.6% from ’11) (-29.44% from ’06)
2011 143 $589,213 (-3.18% from ’10)
2012 (as of 9/29) 130 $567,290 (-3.72% from ’11)(-34.56% from ’06)
2011 18 $378,381
2012 (as of 9/29) 26 $415,165 (includes 2 gulf front lot sales)
Overall, it appears that the number of sales is on track to equal or surpass last year, but selling prices are down a bit. It’s a great time to be a buyer on Sanibel!